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Year 7


Who's Who?

Head of Year – Mr Craig (Mon – Thu)

Deputy Head of Year – Mr Baines (Head of Year on Fri) 

Student Support Officer – Ms Ellis 

Contact: tutor or


All homework is set through Edulink. You will have been given information on setting up a Parent Account, and your children will have their own account.

In Year 7, students only need to access 2 other websites 

They can login with central sign-on (using their school username and password).

For example – Username

Password - Jackhunt

Completed homework = 1 point (Integrity)

High effort homework = 2 point (Hard Work)

Exceptional homework = 5 points

Incompleted homework = -1 point and email home

Persistent missed homework = afterschool detentions (set by Mr Craig/ Mr Baines)

Homework Timetable 

Wed Thurs Fri Project
Maths English Science MyWorld


And support clubs

Homework Club (lunch) 121
Library (lunch and afterschool)
122-EAL support (lunch)
Inclusion base (lunch)
Subject specific lunchtime clubs
(look out for these on the lunch club rota)


Key Dates 24/25

  • WC 25th November – Year 7 Exhibitions
  • 31st March – Parents Evening
  • 14th July – School report sent home