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Sam Tuck Sports workshops

Ex student, Sam Tuck motivates Year 11 and Sports Students in workshops

Friday 26 January saw Sam Tuck, who left Jack Hunt in 2011, in school providing workshops for current students. His focus was to help students think about applying techniques used within their sporting practices to the skills they need in their studies.

Sam, who is currently working as a Head Coach and Lifestyle Advisor at the University of Surrey, ran two sessions for our students. The first focused on our Junior Athletes and explored goal setting and how to identify the paths required to achieve them. Sam advised students to consider their goals as they would a bronze, silver and gold achievement before identifying what the realistic changes they needed to make to achieve each. Sam also asked students to reflect on whether, if you are constantly gaining gold, is it really your gold?  This helped to emphasise how young people should always be trying to achieve a new ‘personal best’.

The second session was for Year 11 students and explored how they could apply sports coaching strategies to their studies and motivating themselves to work for exams. Sam asked students to consider successful people from all walks of life and how hard work and effort were what was required for success in any area – whether you want to be a top swimmer or a top YouTube star! 

We are incredibly grateful to our alumni who are willing to give up their time to come and help us support current students.

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