Ofsted Visit 2017
We have been informed that we have a one day Section 8 Ofsted inspection tomorrow 17th January 2017. We are excited at the opportunity this gives us to show the excellent progress and achievement of our students.
We have been informed that we have a one day Section 8 Ofsted inspection tomorrow 17th January 2017. We are excited at the opportunity this gives us to show the excellent progress and achievement of our students.
The Ofsted Parentview online questionnaire is something we value highly as a school with a link on our school website for feedback throughout the school year. However in addition the attached information invites parents to contribute their views on Parentview as part of the Ofsted inspection. In order to do this please follow the link indicated on the letter or on the school website before 11am tomorrow. Also attached is an inspection handbook for parents giving more detail on the process.
Finally student voice is an essential part of our school and a crucial part of the Ofsted inspection. Please ask your children to check their emails so that they have the opportunity to contribute their views via the student questionnaire before 11am tomorrow.
Thank you for your continuing support.
Pamela Kilbey