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Admissions Appeals

Your right to appeal

If you do not receive an offer for your first choice school, you have the right to Appeal to an Independent Appeals Panel.  To make an appeal you need to download the Appeals Form below and send the completed form to:

BY POST              

Appeals Administrator
Legal Services
Sand Martin House
Bittern Way
Fletton Quays

Tel:  01733 452589


BY HAND             

You can hand in your appeal form and additional information to Town Hall Reception.  Please request a receipt from the receptionist.
Please be aware that if you hand in your appeal form at Fletton Quays this will cause a delay in processing your appeal.

In-year appeals will be heard within 30 schools days of receipt.


Admission Appeals Process 

More details and how to appeal for a school place can be found here:- School Admission Appeals - Peterborough City Council